aerial photos

Contact Louis Helbig

Louis Helbig
46 Lynne Drive
Sydney, Nova Scotia
B1P 2Z8


Other Projects & Websites

Beautiful Destruction. About the Alberta, Canada Oil/Tar Sands. Project includes a large format, 230 page art photography book which can be purchased from Louis Helbig.

Media & Exhibitions

Sunken Villages has been exhibited in Toronto, Ottawa and Brockville, Ontario and Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

Louis Helbig has also run Sunken Village presentations/talks to community groups/associations, arts organisations & photo clubs, government departments and universities in Canada and the United States. Venues have included the National Art Gallery in Ottawa, the University of Ottawa, The Marianne van Silfhout Gallery in Brockville, Ontario Power Generation in Cornwall, ON and the Massena Public Library in Massena, New York.

Media coverage has included the National Post, CBC Radio Ontario, CBC Radio Ottawa, CTV (feature presentation), National Public Radio (NPR), Gizmodo (100 most astonishing images of 2013), and various local newspapers in Eastern Ontario and Upstate New York.

Purchasing Limited Edition Prints

30 Downtown-Aultsville-C2531048-1465hpx-web-1x

Downtown Aultsville | N 44.57.15 W 75.01.42 | Aultsville, Ontario, Canada

Limited Edition prints of the Sunken Villages Aerial Photographs can be purchased directly from Louis Helbig or select commerical art galleries. Please contact me for information.

Prints are available from 11x16 to 40x60 (inches) priced between $200 to $3,500 (plus applicable taxes) depending on size and print runs.