aerial photos

Mavis Nixon (née Beckstead)

Mavis Nixon (née Beckstead) lived in Aultsville, Ontario.

“It was a beautiful little village, situated right on the water.

And some nights, if I can’t sleep, my mind always goes back there. And I can walk down … Well, I’ve had a stroke and my present memory for names and places is not good.

I can remember every home in that village and the name of every person that lived in those homes. And I hope I never lose that.”

Mavis Nixon's Voice

Mavis Nixon (née Beckstead), Interview Audio Excerpts, Lost Villages Historical Society, LVHS Schoolhouse, Long Sault, Ontario. August 14, 2013

I remember every home and street in the village of Aultsville.

It was a wonderful villages. We wrote skits.

Dad taught them how to swim by tying them to a rope and going into the canal.

The home was smashed and I couldn’t bear to watch.


Video Excerpt: Mavis Nixon (née Beckstead), Lost Villages Historical Society, LVHS Schoolhouse, Long Sault, Ontario. August 14, 2013

In this video Mavis Nixon talks about her vivid memory of Aultsville and how she still remembers every home and every person from the village.

Those displaced by the Seaway only have their own memories to remember their homes and communities by. The landscape lives on in their minds and important part of who they are. 


Mavis Nixon (née Beckstead) lived in Aultsville, Ontario.

She now lives in Cornwall, Ontario.