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David Hill

David Hill grew up in Mille Roches, Ontario.

“My Dad used to tell the story – well, of course, Bill’s Dad was involved in this.

There was a gentleman in our village of Moulinette. He liked to talk and he was sort of politically connected and he said, ‘We can’t sell, we have to stick together, no one sells until we all feel comfortable.’

Well, he was the first one to sell.

And then it just seemed like … It was a lot of pressure on people of our parents’ age because they not only had to think of themselves, they – in Bill’s case, there was his grandmother; in our case, my grandmother, grandfather and other grandmother. And there was a lot of pressure on our parents.”

David Hill’s Voice

Joint interview David Hill and Bill Gallinger, Interview Audio Excerpts, Lost Villages Historical Society, LVHS Schoolhouse, Long Sault, Ontario. August 22, 2013

Lot of pressure on people to sell. On our parents.

There were a series of meetings up and down the river as the negotiations happened to sell property.

Initallly people stuck together with the people from their villages. Long Sault was a pretty barren place.

School was an important hub for the community.


Video Excerpt: Joint interview David Hill and Bill Gallinger, Lost Villages Historical Society, LVHS Schoolhouse, Long Sault, Ontario. August 22, 2013

In video of David Hill’s joint interview with his childhood friend Bill Gallinger, David talks about the pressure that his parents would have felt as community members negotiated with Hydro as individuals.

There was considerable inequity in what compensation people received from Ontario Hydro for the exporiation of their houses and land. Hydro engaged a team of agents who negotiated individual arrangements; some people stood their ground and secured much better terms than others intimidated by the process.


David Hill grew up in Mille Roches, Ontario.

David is an active member of the Lost Villages Historical Society.

He now resides in Cornwall, Ontario.