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Connors' Race Track | N 45.00.16 W 55.35.08 | Wales, Ontario, Canada

A quarter-mile track know as The Park, or Connors’ Race Track was owned by Jim Connors and Eldred Markell and hosted many different community events including the Osnabruck Fair and local horse races. The main entrance was across a bridge from Upper Road connecting Wales with Dickinson’s Landing. A favourite short cut of local kids was along the CNR rail tracks – on the upper left – and then along a well-worn path through the woods to the track. This short cut also was also of getting around the ticket hut and paying admission.

Connors Race Track, Wales Ontario

Connors' Race Track | N 45.00.16 W 55.35.08 | Wales, Ontario, Canada

A quarter-mile track know as The Park, or Connors’ Race Track was owned by Jim Connors and Eldred Markell and hosted many different community events including the Osnabruck Fair and local horse races. The main entrance was across a bridge from Upper Road connecting Wales with Dickinson’s Landing. A favourite short cut of local kids was along the CNR rail tracks – on the upper left – and then along a well-worn path through the woods to the track. This short cut also was also of getting around the ticket hut and paying admission.