aerial photos

Canada Geese and Barn, Riverside Heights, Ontario

Canada Geese and Barn | N 44.56.33 W 75.03.34 | Riverside Heights, Ontario, Canada

Canada Geese swimming over the remains of a barn in the waters of the St Lawrence River near Riverside Heights, Ontario. This concrete floor and foundation, surrounded by thick seaweed, lies just off shore of Upper Canada Village. As part of an official effort made by the authorities to recover some parts of the lost villages, some older buildings and a few other cultural artifacts were assembled in a new ‘village’ as a tourist attraction to celebrate 1867, Canada’s confederation and not 1958, the date of the Inundation.  This – which did not respect the memories and experience of those dislocated by the Seaway – angered many locals.

Canada Geese and Barn, Riverside Heights, Ontario

Canada Geese and Barn | N 44.56.33 W 75.03.34 | Riverside Heights, Ontario, Canada

Canada Geese swimming over the remains of a barn in the waters of the St Lawrence River near Riverside Heights, Ontario. This concrete floor and foundation, surrounded by thick seaweed, lies just off shore of Upper Canada Village. As part of an official effort made by the authorities to recover some parts of the lost villages, some older buildings and a few other cultural artifacts were assembled in a new ‘village’ as a tourist attraction to celebrate 1867, Canada’s confederation and not 1958, the date of the Inundation. This – which did not respect the memories and experience of those dislocated by the Seaway – angered many locals.